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Software Training Videos
These videos are important to view before your machine arrives. The more familiar
you are with the software the faster and more productive your on-site training will be.
It is best to watch them in the order they appear below at lease 2x each. All 12 videos
below total a little over 2.5 hours (150 minutes) of total viewing time.
Video Glossary:
DraftSight CAD Tutorials 1 - 6: This is training for how to create your CAD files and draw the working image.
Aitek CAM Tutorials: This is how you take the CAD/DXF file you created and turn it into code the machine can read.
Eagle Rock CNC Machine Tutorials 1 - 4: This is for running the machine, specifying how to cut and polish the piece.
Tool Settings Tutorial: This is for the initial set-up of the tools so that the machine knows what is where and the tolerances.

Download Eagle Rock's Excellent DraftSight Guide here
#1 Draftsight Introduction
Start drawing in the Draft Sight CAD program
#2 Draftsight Draw Toolbar
Coordinate Systems and the Draw Toolbar
#3 Draftsight Status Bar
Status Bar Aids and Guides
#4 Draftsight Modify Toolbar
Manipulating entities using Delete, Move, Scale, etc.
#5 Draftsight Measuring and Sinks
Taking Measurements and Importing Sinks
#6 Draftsight - Example Drawings
Four Example Countertop Drawings
Aitek CAM Tutorial
Learn about creating DXF files for your machine
Eagle Rock CNC Machine Tutorial #1
Machine operating software
Eagle Rock CNC Machine Tutorial #2
Machine operating software
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